Sargon of Akkad

A racist anti-semetic fatass who believes himself to be a quarter black because his grandfather was Mediterranean and became famous on youtube for making shitty response videos to feminists and sjws. When Sargon isn't trying to get the trademark for the term he coined(that term being liberalism) he is screaming about white niggers and richard spencer while masturbating to traps and feeding dinosaurs in ARK with his gypsy friend Vee. Sargon has a habbit of crying when people call him a cuck and will frequently try to shoot the insult back at whoever said it in spite of the fact that he literally is one because he raises a daughter who isn't his own and watches black men fuck his wife.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Sargon of Akkad. Some of the top words include: Milkman, sense1ess1eader, nut twaddler, Blag fag, dankind, and 25 more.